President's Award
The NSWOCC President’s award for excellence in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing is awarded annually to a NSWOCC member in recognition of their achievement towards nursing leadership in the specialty of wound, ostomy and continence and advocates for the highest quality of nursing to individuals with challenges in wound, ostomy and continence.
The purpose of this award is to provide annual recognition of a NSWOCC nurse or team of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence who made an outstanding contribution to the mission, vision and values of the NSWOCC through:
the advancement of the NSWOC nursing specialty;
the demonstration of exceptional nursing leadership in the NSWOC specialty; and
contributions to the NSWOCC organization.
The individual has a NSWOCC membership in the category of Active, Honorary or Retired.
The following criteria may be used in nomination of an individual:
The individual has shown leadership qualities through the display of competency in practice and advocates for the highest quality of NSWOC practice. This includes integrity, innovation and advancement of the specialty.
Has shown commitment and dedication to the NSWOCC in achieving the mission, vision and values of the organization.
The individual has shown collaborative partnership through volunteer activities with NSWOCC and other related organizations.
The individual has shown continued dedication, creativity, determination and vision when advancing the NSWOC specialty through project work, team work, or in the political arena.
The following criteria may be used in nomination of an individual:
Must be received by NSWOCC National Office no later than the deadline set out in the call for nominations – typically the end of February or in March following the applicable year.
The Nominator must submit a signed, supporting narrative from him/her regarding the Nominee.
Each nomination must further be supported by a minimum of two, and not more than four references that must submit their signed references and mail to the NSWOCC National Office by the deadline outlined above (1).
Contact information for the Nominator and all references must be clearly indicated and must reference the name of the Nominee being nominated.
The NSWOCC Board will review the nominations. Among the factors considered will be:
contributions towards nursing leadership;
advancement of the NSWOC specialty;
demonstration of the NSWOCC mission, vision and values;
strength of support in nominations; and
enhancement of the reputation of the NSWOC specialty and the NSWOCC.
The NSWOCC Board will develop a “short list” consisting of no more than three nominees whose contributions were, in the Board’s view, the most significant. The NSWOCC President will make the final decision.
Each eligible NSWOCC member who was nominated for an award will receive a letter of commendation from the President.
Nomination Procedure:
If you would like to nominate someone for the President’s Award, please provide the following information, together with your supporting narrative and reference documentation listed above.
Mail documentation to:
66 Leopolds Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1V 7E3
Or email to:
Cathy Harley, CEO
Nominator’s Information
Contact Address
Postal Code
Business Phone
Home Phone
Nominee’s Information
Contact Address
Postal Code
Business Phone
Home Phone