NSWOCC Members
Journal Club
What is Journal Club?
The NSWOCC Members Journal Club is a monthly virtual meeting open to NSWOCC Members of all levels of nursing experience to come together to discuss a either a Wound, Ostomy or Continence article. The Journal Club offers Members the opportunity to connect, learn, and share expertise & experience in a safe and fun environment.
Led by the NSWOCC Membership Core Program, the goal is to make sure everyone feels empowered to participate and that each voice in the group is heard so we can all grow and learn together.
"Not all members will have the same degree of confidence, experience, or previous participation in a journal club. Let’s all watch out for each other, and encourage everyone to find their voice, so it continues to be a rewarding and enriching group experience. We all come from different parts of the country, different walks of life and varying degrees of work experience, which is truly a strength as we can learn so much from each other!"
Angela Koziak, RN, BScN, NSWOC
NSWOCC Members Journal Club Leader
Meeting Dates & Times
As of 2025, Journal Club now takes place on the third Thursday of the month at 9pm Atlantic/5pm Pacific
To accommodate Members from coast to coast to coast, the Journal Club is run at the same time in on the third Thursday of each month in the evening at 9pm Atlantic, 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, and 5pm Pacific. The meeting runs for 1 hour.
No meeting is scheduled for July , August, or December.
Upcoming Meetings
How Journal Club Works
Before the Meeting
At any time, the Journal Club Members may “nominate” an interesting wound, ostomy or continence-related journal article they have come across to add to the library of Journal Club articles.
The topic of the journal article rotates monthly between a wound topic, ostomy topic, and continence topic to ensure the full tri-specialty is covered. You can view the upcoming topics above.
All Journal Club members will be provided a calendar invite and link to join the virtual meeting on Zoom prior to the meeting. You can also RSVP for the meeting & receive the Zoom link by clicking the "RSVP" button for one of the upcoming meetings above.
During the meeting
Most Journal Club meetings will have around 10-12 members in a Zoom room to facilitate good discussion*.
The meeting runs for 1 hour, and is outlined as follows:
Welcome and Introduction (5 min)
Journal Club Leader summarizes the article & introduces the first question (5 min)
Group Discussion (45 min)
Wrap up/summary of discussion points (5 min)
*In the event of a larger meeting, in order to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate equally, the meeting may be separated into two "breakout rooms" during the Group Discussion period if necessary. In this case, the full group would return to the main room during the wrap up/summary period to share their breakout group's discussion points.
Leading a Journal Club Meeting
Leading a Journal Club meeting isn't designed to be daunting - you don't have to be a subject matter expert or a genius! Your role as the Journal Club leader is more like a moderator. If you'd like to lead one of the upcoming meetings, just click on "want to lead (or co-lead) this article" button for one of the meetings above to put your name forward.
Welcome and Introduction
As the leader, you would lead a brief summation of the article (recapping main points of the article), followed by posing an initial question to the group to begin the discussion.
Group Discussion
While discussion continues, your general duties are to:
Allow for natural discussion while moderating for respectful interaction
Ensure reserved members have an opportunity to speak and more vocal members do not dominate the discussion
Listen for members who are trying to speak but become ‘cut off’ by the discussion
Steer group back on topic should discussion veer off on a significant tangent
Monitor the time and announce 10-minute warning to session wrap up
At the end of the meeting, you would then provide a conclusion:
Provide a brief summary of discussion
Consider reiterating one or two highlights or interesting moments of discussion
Thank members
Role of a Journal Club Member
As a Journal Club Member, it is your responsibility to come prepared for the group by having read and reviewed the chosen article, along with a couple questions to contribute to the discussion.
You will also have the opportunity to vote on the upcoming month's article and date.
In accordance with the goals of the Journal Club and NSWOCC's values, please be considerate, supportive, and respectful when you participate in Journal Club.