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Patient Education

Ostomy Patient Teaching Booklets

Ostomy Guide Booklets
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A Guide to Living with an Ileal Conduit

2nd edition. 2022

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A Guide to Living with an Ileostomy

2nd edition. 2022

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A Guide to Living with a Colostomy

2nd edition. 2022

Glossary of Terms

anesthetist–a medical doctor who specializes in giving medication to put people to sleep so surgery can be performed.

appliance–applied over the stoma to contain the stool and gas. Sometimes referred to as a pouching system.

bacteria–a one-celled organism some of which can cause infection. 

bowel–also called intestine. It is the part of the digestive tract that lies between the stomach and the anus. There are two parts, the small intestine and the large intestine (colon). Often these words are used interchangeably.

colon–large intestine may also be called the colon.

dehydration–condition resulting from excessive fluid loss.

colostomy–a surgically created opening into the colon, diverting stool from its normal route.

conduit–a channel or passageway. 

dehydration–condition resulting from excessive fluid loss.

divert–take a new route or direction. 

electrocardiogram (ECG)–a test to check the heart action. 

electrolyte–normal components of body fluids such as salt and potassium.

enzymes–substances in the mouth, stomach and small intestine that cause the breakdown of food. Enzymes can also irritate the skin if stool, which contains enzymes, remains on the skin. 

ileal conduit–an ileal conduit is a surgically created pathway from a piece of bowel to divert urine from its normal route.

ileostomy–a surgically created opening into the last portion of the small intestine called the ileum, diverting intestinal drainage from its normal route.

irritation–skin that is red, sore, moist or has a rash; may be caused by antibiotics, urine on the skin or a reaction to a component in your pouching system. 

laxative–medication used to stimulate the bowels to move. 

NSWOC–a nurse specialized in wound, ostomy, and continence care. 

NSWOCC–the organization for Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada.

ostomy–a surgically created opening into the digestive or urinary system, diverting stool or urine from its normal route. 

parastomal hernia–is an abnormal bulge around your stoma. It develops from weakness in the abdominal wall that allows loops of bowel to protrude through the muscle and lie between the skin and muscle layer.

perineal–the area located between the genitals and the anus (rectum).

pouching system–also called an appliance. Composed of a skin barrier and pouch. May be a one or a two-piece system.

stoma–the part of the bowel that is seen outside of the body on the abdomen following ostomy surgery.

stool–also referred to as feces or poop: waste product from digestion that is passed from the bowel.

transit time–the time required for the digestion of food from eating to the passing of stool. 

umbilicus–more known as the navel or belly button. 

urologist–a surgeon who specializes in the medical and surgical care of people who have urinary system problems. 

urostomy–refer to ileal conduit.

Intermittent Self-Catheterization 

Intermittent Self-Catheterization
Background for “Is Intermittent Self-Catheterization the Right Choice for You?”
"Is Intermittent Self-Catheterization the Right Choice for You?" Decision Aid

Parastomal Care

Parastomal Care
General advice to help minimise the risk of parastomal hernia development following surgery

Strong abdominal muscles are the premise for this prevention programme and any general exercise which uses these muscles is beneficial (eg: swimming, walking and cycling). Please check with your surgeon or stoma care nurse before undertaking any exercise programme.

  1. Avoid heavy lifting for 3 months post surgery

  2. Try to maintain good posture at all times

  3. Carry out the exercises below from as early as discharge if the wound has completely healed

  4. Use a support belt or girdle when undertaking heavy lifting or heavy working after 3 months and until at least 12 months post-operatively

  5. Keep your weight within the BMI (Body mass index) 20-25

  6. Support your stoma and abdomen whilst coughing in the first few months following surgery

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