Academic Awards Program
“Offered by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), the certification credential is part of a respected national certification program. The program is developed by Canadian nurses for Canadian nurses.” The certification credential is an important indicator to patients, employers, the public and professional licensing bodies that the certified nurse is qualified, competent and current in a nursing specialty/area of nursing practice. Certified nurses have met rigorous requirements to achieve this expert credential.”
NSWOCC is committed to advancing the profession of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence. For many years NSWOCC has provided financial awards to NSWOCC NSWOC students and NSWOCC Active members who are pursuing academic advancement. The mandate and processes involved within the Scholarships and Bursaries award system was reviewed by the NSWOCC Board during the year 2010. The NSWOCC Board determined areas for improvement which would better meet the needs of the future Association.
Despite the size of our Association, NSWOCC has been able to continue to offer these financial awards which is a strength. This has remained possible due to the continued financial support of our industry partners and because we continue to receive applications for these awards.
The following NSWOCC Academic Awards are currently available:
The NSWOCC WOC-EP NSWOC student academic award which will be based on academic achievement;
The NSWOC who is an active NSWOCC Member pursuing a Baccalaureate, Masters or PhD may apply to be considered for a NSWOCC Academic Award. This academic award will be assessed by specific criteria such as:
Academic marks;
Number of years the NSWOC has been a member of NSWOCC;
Involvement in NSWOCC, board and executive positions, committees; and
Involvement in planning a NSWOCC conference.
These criteria will be weighted and the NSWOC applicants with the highest scores will be awarded.
NSWOCC Academic Awards for NSWOC’s who are Active NSWOCC Members (Updated October 1, 2010)
The following describe the NSWOCC Academic Awards for NSWOC’s:
Active members of NSWOCC who are pursuing a Baccalaureate, Masters or PhD may apply to be considered for a NSWOCC Academic Award;
The NSWOCC member may apply for a NSWOCC academic award after an individual course is completed;
The NSWOCC member may apply yearly as long as he/she is taking courses towards a Baccalaureate, Masters or PhD;
Money will be awarded only if marks are provided;
The NSWOCC member will complete and submit the application by March 15th for any course(s) that were completed in the previous calendar year;
Application form is available by clicking here or from the National Office;
Applications will be e-mailed or mailed to the NSWOCC Professional Assistant; and
Applications will be reviewed by the Executive Director using the following selection criteria.
NSWOCC members with the highest participation score using the selection criteria will be recipients of a NSWOCC Academic Award.
The number of awards and amount of money to be awarded will be dependent on the funding available on any given year.
NSWOCC Academic Awards for NSWOC Students of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Institute WOC-EP
Awards given to students in the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Institute WOC-EP program will be based on academic achievement. All students enrolled in the WOC-EP program will be considered. There are no applications for these awards.
The number of awards and amount of money to be awarded will be dependent on the funding available on any given year.
Selection Criteria
Was the applicant a NSWOCC active member during the year when they attended the course?
Was the applicant a NSWOCC active member during the year when they applied for the financial award?
How many years has the applicant been a member of NSWOCC?
Has the applicant held the position of President of NSWOCC?
Has the applicant been a NSWOCC Executive and/or Board Member?
Has the applicant been a member of NSWOCC Special Projects Task Force, Committee member or Advisory Board member?
Has the applicant been a Focus Group Coordinator?
Has the applicant been a Focus Group member? For how many years?
Has the applicant participated as the Chair of a NSWOCC annual conference planning committee?
Has the applicant participated as the Co-Chair of a NSWOCC annual conference planning committee?
Has the applicant participated as a member of a NSWOCC conference planning committee?
Has the applicant been presented with an academic award by NSWOCC in the previous 5 calendar years?
What are the academic course marks of the applicant?