Priyanka (Pri) Jani (she/her)
BScN, RN, NSWOC Student
Harm Reduction Community of Practice Co-Chair
Priyanka (Pri) has worked on Haudenosaunee, Missisaugas, Attiwonderonk, and Anishinabewaki land (Hamilton and Kitchener) since early 2020 and has been working in a variety of different settings including long-term care, public health, and community care. In these spaces, she developed her skills as a nurse, a leader, and a learner. In 2021, Pri started working as a Consumption Treatment Service (CTS) nurse with Sanguen Health Centre and joined the non-profit Student Overdose Prevention Education Network (SOPEN) as a volunteer. Pri is now on the Board of Directors of SOPEN and responsible for developing educational harm reduction and drug education content for workshops in Hamilton. Priyanka aims to continue harm reduction advocacy through the lens of wound, ostomy, and continence care to provide people who are unhoused and people who use drugs with the access to care they deserve.