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News (6)

  • Notice of NSWOCC Annual Membership Meeting (AMM)

    Tuesday, April 11, 2023 NSWOCC invites you to join the NSWOCC Board and Core Program Leaders at the NSWOCC Annual Membership Meeting (AMM) on Wednesday, May 4, 2023 at 6:30PM-8:15PM EDT. The AMM will be followed immediately by a Members Appreciation Event. All NSWOCC Members are welcome to attend if their membership status is current. NSWOCC Members are titled "Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Member" in the membership database. For the full description of voting Members, please refer to NSWOCC Operating By-law 1-3.01 Classes and Conditions of Membership. All Members (both in-person and electronically over Zoom) will have 1 vote. The following Associates are also welcome to attend as non-voting participants: Allied Healthcare Professional Associate Full-time Student Nurse Associate Government/Administrative Professionals Associate Industry Associate Industry Associate Plus International Associate Practice Enrichment Series Associate Skin Wellness Associate Nurse (SWAN) Associate Skin Wellness Associate Nurse (SWAN) Student Associate WOC-EP Student Associate Please make sure that you renew your membership today by logging into your membership account at To become an NSWOCC Member or Associate, visit HOW TO RSVP Make sure to RSVP to make your vote count and your voice heard, as well as to learn about key association business, and celebrate successes. This meeting will take place in-person at the Ottawa Westin, 11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario on the fourth floor in Confederation Rooms II and III. Food will be available. For those unable to attend in-person, Members may still RSVP in advance to attend the meeting on Zoom. Associates are not able to attend online. To attend either in-person or on Zoom, please RSVP by clicking below: 2023 AMM Members Package NSWOCC Members can access the 2023 AMM Members Package by clicking the files below, or by logging into your membership account at NSWOCC Members who are paid and in good standing will be able to vote at this meeting. The package contains the Annual Members Meeting Agenda, the NSWOCC 2022-2023 Annual Report, the NSWOCC 2022 AMM Meeting Minutes, and the 2023 Election Slate of Directors and Officers of the association. 2023 Annual Report NSWOCC is built by Members and is for the Members... Thank you so much for the immeasurably valuable work you have done for Nurses Specialized in Wound, ostomy and Continence Canada over the past year! We cannot thank you enough and want to let you know that your dedication is essential to the work that we do. We cannot do it without you! We would not want to do it without you! You bring ideas, positive energy and a beautiful intensity. We hope you will come back and join us soon on an exciting initiative, and maybe even bring a colleague with you! You can now access the 2023 Annual Report by clicking the file below. Please review the package carefully prior to the May 4, 2023 AMM in order to be prepared to vote. If you should have any questions, please contact the NSWOCC Chief Executive Officer, Catherine Harley at We look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, The NSWOCC Board of Directors

  • Annonce du thème de la semaine des ISPSCs 2023 : #IndispensableNSWOCs

    Le 17-21 avril 2023 est la semaine des ISPSCs! Cette année, la campagne promotionnelle mettra en évidence les nombreuses façons dont les ISPSCs sont indispensables, le tout appuyé par des arguments concrets. Le dépliant figurant au bas de ce courriel n'est que la partie visible de l'iceberg - restez à l'affut pour découvrir l’ensemble du matériel promotionnel qui sera dévoilé pendant la semaine des ISPSCs ! En attendant, veuillez consulter ci-dessous, les principaux éléments de la campagne: En tant que "force de combat" pour les patients présentant des problèmes de plaies, stomies et de continence, les ISPSCs prouvent qu'elles sont indispensables pour les raisons suivantes : Les ISPSCs plaident en faveur de meilleurs soins aux patients (Baker 2001). Les ISPSCs réduisent le nombre de visites aux urgences et les réadmissions à l'hôpital (Baich et al., 2010). Les ISPSCs réduisent les coûts (Heerschap & Duff, 2021). Les ISPSCs aident à prévenir les infections urinaires liées aux cathéters et les dermatites liées à l'incontinence (Medley, 2014). Les ISPSCs soutiennent la prévention des lésions de pression (Boyle, Bergquist-Beringer, & Cramer, 2017). Les ISPSCs préviennent les complications liées aux stomies, réduisant ainsi les taux de réadmission à l'hôpital (Medley, 2014). De nombreux éléments sont tirés de la campagne "L’expertise à la puissance 3", qui dispose également de son propre dossier de présentation, d'outils pour les médias sociaux, d'un livre blanc, et bien d'autres choses encore ! Pour consulter la campagne L’expertise à la puissance 3, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous. Soumettez votre histoire : Pourquoi pensez-vous que les ISPSCs sont indispensables ? L’association des ISPSCC souhaite que vous lui fassiez part des raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez que les ISPSCs sont indispensables dans votre ville, votre région, votre établissement ou même dans tout le pays ! Envoyez votre histoire par courriel à sous la forme d'un blog/article écrit, d'un court message, d'une vidéo ou de tout autre format créatif ! Nous ne manquerons pas de la présenter sur les médias sociaux et sur notre site web pendant la semaine des ISPSCs. Participez à la campagne promotionnelle: soumettez votre photo Participez à la campagne promotionnelle de la semaine des ISPSCs en partageant une photo de vous et de vos collègues avec des articles à l’effigie des ISPSCs – un sarrau, des T-shirts "We Will WOC You", une tasse ISPSC, ou toute autre article en votre possession ! Réservez les dates : une semaine complète d'événements virtuels ! Gardez vos calendriers ouverts ! Le lundi 17 avril, le mardi 18 avril, le mercredi 19 avril et le jeudi 20 avril, l’association des ISPSCC organisera une série de webinaires éducatifs et festifs avec des invités spéciaux et des experts œuvrant au sein des ISPSCC. De plus amples informations seront bientôt annoncées ! Partagez la façon dont vous célébrez la semaine des ISPSCs en utilisant #IndispensableNSWOCs Avant et pendant la semaine des ISPSCs, n'oubliez pas d'utiliser le hashtag #IndispensableNSWOCs pour que nous puissions suivre et partager sur les médias sociaux, la façon dont vous célébrez la semaine! Suivez ISPSCC sur les médias sociaux! Télécharger le dépliant

  • L’impact des ISPSCs: Un Nouveau Manuel

    C’est avec une très grande fierté que j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie, ce 15 février 2023, d’un manuel d’envergure sur les soins de plaies. Intitulé : Pratiques exemplaires en soins des plaies : de novice à expert, cet ouvrage est le fruit d’un travail de collaboration interprofessionnelle exceptionnelle. Divisé en 2 tomes, 45 chapitres et comptant plus de 1750 pages, ce manuel vise à outiller autant les professionnels de la santé qui débutent dans le domaine que ceux qui cumulent plusieurs années d’expérience. Je tiens tout particulièrement à souligner la participation des infirmières spécialisées en soins de plaies, stomies et continence du Québec. Vous êtes une dizaine qui avez signés la rédaction de plusieurs des 45 chapitres de cet imposant ouvrage, merci à Louise, Luce, Deborah, Sylvianne, Jenny, Julie, Liette, Chantal, Véronique. Je tiens également à souligner la contribution à titre d’auteurs, de certains de nos collègues de la Suisse et de la Belgique. Cet ouvrage vient combler une grande lacune de ressources documentaires en français pour tous les professionnels de la santé travaillant auprès de la population francophone du Canada. Il permettra, je le souhaite sincèrement, d’établir entre nous un langage commun et de tisser une solide communauté de pratique francophone afin de non seulement augmenter collectivement les connaissances et les compétences mais surtout d’optimiser la prise en charge sécuritaire de la population franco-canadienne au prise avec des plaies. Merci aux ISPSCC/NSWOCC d’avoir endossé le travail réalisé par cette équipe extraordinaire ainsi que les années de travail que cet ouvrage représente. Merci également aux Presses de l’université Laval pour l’accompagnement hors pair offert pour mener à bien ce projet d’envergure. Il est possible de profiter d’un rabais à l’achat des 2 tomes en passant directement par les Presses de l’université Laval au : Valérie Chaplain, Inf., ISPSC, PSCC(C), Responsable de la communauté francophone de pratique des ISPSCC, co-directrice du livre Pratiques exemplaires en soins des plaies : de novice à expert.

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Autres pages (41)

  • Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada

    Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for the Topical Management of Malignant Cutaneous Wounds Now available! Access the BPR NSWOCC News NSWOCC 7 nov. 2022 1 Min Cadre de la semaine nationale sur la sécurité des patients La semaine dernière, dans le cadre de la semaine nationale sur la sécurité des patients, Valérie Chaplain IA, BScN, ISPSC, PSCC(C) de l'Hôpi 13 0 Vous n'aimez plus ce post NSWOCC 28 mars 2022 2 Min Poste de bénévole à pourvoir :Révision de textes français – L’Avancée de l’ISPSC Si cette occasion stimulante vous intéresse, veuillez faire parvenir un courriel à en incluant une lettre de présentation p 10 0 Vous n'aimez plus ce post NSWOCC 22 mars 2022 2 Min Le portail de demande de certification de l'AIIC est maintenant ouvert Le portail de demande de certification de l'AIIC est maintenant ouvert L’AIIC a lancé la demande de renouvellement de certification par... 22 0 Vous n'aimez plus ce post Événements à venir Healing is Believing: A Closer Look at Real World Applications of a Total Contact Cast (TCC) System in Offloading DFUs mer. 29 mai Webinar 29 mai 2024, 19 h 00 – 20 h 00 HAE Webinar 29 mai 2024, 19 h 00 – 20 h 00 HAE Webinar Click to learn more! Partager RSVP Building Bridges: Multidisciplinary Approach to Advanced Wound Healing mar. 04 juin Webinar 04 juin 2024, 18 h 00 – 19 h 00 HAE Webinar 04 juin 2024, 18 h 00 – 19 h 00 HAE Webinar Click to learn more! Partager RSVP Ontario Wound, Ostomy and Continence Summit ven. 07 juin Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel 07 juin 2024, 08 h 00 – 13 h 00 HAE Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel, 801 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5 07 juin 2024, 08 h 00 – 13 h 00 HAE Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel, 801 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5 Improving Healthcare in Ontario: Specialized Wound, Ostomy and Continence Access for all Ontarians Partager Acheter des billets Improving patient outcomes in vascular surgery/groin incisions mer. 12 juin Webinar 12 juin 2024, 19 h 00 – 20 h 00 HAE Webinar 12 juin 2024, 19 h 00 – 20 h 00 HAE Webinar Click to learn more! Partager RSVP About NSWOCC Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC®) is a registered charity and membership-based association for over 600 nurses specialized in the care of patients with challenges in wound, ostomy and continence and over 1,000 members overall. ​ NSWOCC acts in the public interest for Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC®) to give national leadership in wound, ostomy and continence promoting high standards for NSWOC practice, education, research and administration to achieve quality specialized nursing care. ​ NSWOCC speaks for NSWOCs and gives them a strong national association through which they can support each other and speak with a powerful, unified voice. NSWOCC is working towards taking an active role in legislative policy which could influence the health care decisions that affect NSWOC professionals every day. Read the NSWOCC Position Statement Who are NSWOCs? A Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC) is a registered nurse with advanced and specialized knowledge and clinical skills in wound, ostomy and continence care who has graduated from a World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) recognized education program. ​ Recognized as Nurses who have specialized training in wound, ostomy and continence by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence are the ONLY nursing specialty with CNA certification in wound, ostomy and continence care (WOCC(C)). From acute care hospitals, outpatient clinics, community, long term care and in independent practice, an NSWOC provides specialized holistic assessment and management as an interprofessional team member to meet the needs of individuals/families with ostomies, acute and chronic wounds and urinary and fecal continence problems. Learn more The Power of 3 Resources for NSWOCs Job Postings Re-Certification Position Statements Best Practice Recommendations Become an NSWOC The Wound, Ostomy and Continence (WOC) Institute’s flagship program is our Wound Ostomy and Continence Education Program (WOC-EP). The WOC-EP is a state of the art, paced, 12-month, online program which prepares BN/BScN’s for the role of a Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC). The final exam for the program is the Canadian Nurses Associate (CNA) certification exam, which, upon achievement, enables the NSWOC to use the credential WOCC(C). ​ The WOC-EP is a competency and standards of practice guided, rigorous program, aimed at insuring the high quality of its graduates. Through the CANMeds styled, competency-based preceptorship component of the program, the WOC-EP strives to mentor and grow tomorrows nurse leaders. NSWOCs graduates are among the nursing elite. They demonstrate an advanced level of critical thinking, clinical skill and leadership qualities. The advantage of NSWOCs’ tri- specialization is especially clear when patients have needs that require more than one area of specialty. Learn more CNA Certification Exam Join NSWOCC Join over 500 nurses specialized in the care of patients with challenges in wound, ostomy and continence, and a total membership of over 700 healthcare professionals, industry members, students, and international associates all dedicated to wound, ostomy and continence education & care. Join NSWOCC Membership Benefits Membership Types Skin Wellness Associate Nurse (SWAN™) Program For practical nurses and diploma RNs who aspire to become respected nurse leaders and integral members of their organization’s wound, ostomy, and continence leadership team, the CNA-accredited SWAN program is the only program that offers: competency and evidence-informed advanced knowledge in wound, ostomy and continence management; confidence to transfer that knowledge into practice; recognition and respect for your competencies through the nationally recognized SWAN designation; and continuous learning and lifelong support through mentorship and collaboration in a SWAN-Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC) team. The SWAN program is accredited by the Canadian Nurses Association. ​ SWANs are uniquely recognized for their advanced knowledge and their contributions as wound, ostomy and continence nurse champions in their workplaces and communities across Canada. Skilled nurses provide optimal patient care. ​ The goal of the SWAN™ Program is to educate and prepare more skilled wound, ostomy and continence nurses across the spectrum of care (e.g. acute care, long-term care and home care). Graduates will have an enhanced ability to provide optimal care for individuals with wound, ostomy and continence issues as members of a collaborative NSWOC team. The program is designed to provide non-specialty nurses the ability to provide optimal wound, ostomy and continence care under the direction of the NSWOC, Clinical Nurse Specialist (Wound, Ostomy or Continence) or Physician and to be integral members of the WOC team. Learn more! Official Interest Groups

  • Ontario Summit | NSWOCC

    Ontario Wound, Ostomy and Continence Summit Improving Healthcare in Ontario: Specialized Wound, Ostomy and Continence Access for all Ontarians Bringing together patients, health care administration, government & academic partners, senior nurses from the community & continuing care, registered charities focused on patients and specialized nursing care, NSWOCs, and industry representatives. Friday, June 7, 2024 8am -1pm ET Venue Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre 801 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5 Objectives Engaging patients, health care administration, government & academic partners, senior nurses from the community & continuing care, and Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOCs) to: Provide the current status on best practices in wound, ostomy and continence within the Province of Ontario. Evaluate a patient’s experience living with an ostomy in Ontario. Determine the economic burden for people living with an ostomy through the review of the ostomy impact study. Discuss the delivery of quality care supporting a positive patient experience in the Ontario home care setting. Discuss interprofessional skin and wound care innovation in the province of Ontario. Full Program Digital Flyer Register now RSVP by May 24, 2024 S'inscrire Program Download Program Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre Hotel Reservations We've secured a special group rate for accommodations at the Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre for the NSWOCC – Ontario Wound, Ostomy and Continence Summit. Don't miss out on this exclusive offer! To ensure you get the best deal, be sure to book your stay by May 17, 2024. Simply click on the link below to reserve your room at the discounted rate of $209 CAD per night: Book your stay by May 17, 2024 In partnership with: Attending Industry Partners Attending the Ontario Summit as an Industry Partner Demonstrate to key healthcare stakeholders your commitment to improving Wound, Ostomy and/or Continence care for nurses & patients by attending the Ontario Wound, Ostomy and Continence Summit as an industry partner! As an attending industry partner, NSWOCC would provide you with a booth space at the event with a 6’ table and two chairs. Your partnership will also include complimentary registration and breakfast for your attending reps (up to 2 reps), as well as your logo on the event website, flyer, and other marketing material. NSWOCC will also acknowledge you during opening and closing remarks. The cost to attend as an Industry Partner is $2,000. Email to confirm your spot

  • Equity Diversity Inclusion Accessibility | NSWOCC

    Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility NSWOCC and the NSWOCC Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Task Force are continuing to make updates and additions to this page. If you have a resource, link, story, or anything else you think would be important to have listed on this page, please contact . ​ Join the Task Force! If you're interested in joining the NSWOCC Diversity Task Force, please email . 2SLGBTQQIA+ WOC Health WOC Health for People of Colour Indigenous WOC Health Indigenous Wound, Ostomy and Continence Health Sharing Circle With the aim to improve accessibility and healthcare for Indigenous people, the Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC) Indigenous Wound, Ostomy and Continence Health Core Program is excited to share a brand-new website dedicated to helping patients, NSWOCs, and other healthcare professionals access a directory of resources, education, training, and support related to Indigenous Wound, Ostomy and Continence Health. ​ As an ongoing project, we’re always looking to broaden our list of resources and links to share. If you have a great resource or tool that you think would be worth sharing with others, feel free to submit it to in order for us to obtain permission to use it on the Sharing Circle website. ​ About the Indigenous Wound, Ostomy and Continence Core Program The Indigenous Wound, Ostomy and Continence Health Core Program brings together Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC®), Skin Wellness Associate Nurses (SWAN™) and key healthcare stakeholders working with Indigenous people who collaborate to identify key issues in the care delivery of wound, ostomy and continence for indigenous, including Inuit and Metis, people. By identifying key issues, this core program makes critical connections at the Federal and Provincial Government levels in order to raise awareness, address issues and improve patient outcomes. ​ Territorial Land Acknowledgement NSWOCC and the NSWOCC Indigenous Wound, Ostomy and Continence Health Core Program respect and affirm the inherent and Treaty Rights of all Indigenous Peoples across this land. We have and will continue to honour the commitments to self-determination and sovereignty we have made to Indigenous Nations and Peoples. We acknowledge the historical oppression of lands, cultures and the original Peoples in what we now know as Canada and fervently believes that the collaboration to improve health care for all contributes to the healing and decolonizing journey we all share together. Visit the Sharing Circle Indigenous WOC Darkly Pigmented Skin WOC Health for People of Colour "Ten top tips: assessing darkly pigmented skin" From Wounds International Date: 28 September 2020 Author(s): Joyce Black , Abigail Simende Learn more "Seeing what lies beneath the surface" From Wounds International Date: 27 February 2020 Author(s) : Joyce Black Learn More Staging Cards for Lightly and Darkly Pigmented Skin From the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Online poster Learn more Staging for Lightly and Darkly Pigmented Skin From the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Online poster Learn more Mind the Gap: A handbook of clinical signs in Black and Brown skin From BlackandBrownSkin A clinical handbook of signs and symptoms in blackandbrownskin, aiming to highlight the lack of diversity in medical literature and education. Learn more Webinar Pan-Pacific Pressure Injury Classification System of Multicultural Skin Presenter Dr. Keryln Carville, PhD, RN, STN (CRED) ​ WOC Health & 2SLGBTQIA+ 2SLGBTQQIA+ Webinar Supporting Gender Reassignment: The Surgeries, Urologic Changes and Continence Disturbances Presenter Ray Croy, BScN RN (c) Pronouns: she/they Gender Surgery Program of BC, Vancouver Coastal Health Trans Care BC Website ​ Objectives Describe the correct terminology and psychosocial considerations specific to transgender patients Discuss contemporary surgical techniques, complications and urologic changes Explore management of continence disturbances Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity and Accessibility Policy The purpose of this policy is to foster a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible environment within Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Canada (NSWOCC®), a registered charity of over 1000 Members, which includes the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Institute, promoting respect, understanding, and equitable representation opportunities for all members at all position level. It aims to ensure that diversity is valued, equity is upheld, and inclusion is actively pursued and visible throughout the organization's daily operations. Download

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