Rebecca Dyck
Rebecca Dyck has been nursing for fifteen years, and is a strong advocate for justice and equity in health care. She has spent a number of years learning how systemic racism and intersectionality affect the health of individuals and communities. After earning a Master of Clinical Science in Wound Healing at Western University ten years ago, Rebecca has been working with patients virtually and at the bedside to solve the puzzle that each wound presents. Rebecca also tutors students in the research course of the master’s program. More recently, Rebecca became a Nurse Specialized in Wound Ostomy and Continence and earned her national certification.
Rebecca currently works as a Nurse Clinician on the Skin Wound Ostomy team at Hamilton Health Sciences, mainly with children and families at McMaster Children's Hospital. Her role encompasses direct patient care, staff education, and committee work to improve patient care within the organization. A recent focus has been hospital-acquired pressure injuries and developing resources to improve assessment of darker skin tones.
Rebecca has volunteered with preteens, the Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle, and Caribbean migrant farm workers in Niagara. She keeps busy with her three children, can often be found with a book in her hand, and enjoys “old lady hobbies” such as sewing, gardening, and canning.